Friday, March 23, 2012

How to Use This Information

The articles section of the website serves as a resource for those wanting to learn various things about foraging and wild food. I will be posting plant profiles, recipes, and the occasional essay. The plant profiles are written from my own direct experience with the specific plant. I've chosen to describe each plant from the perspectives of botany (useful for identification), ecology (useful for locating), medicinal qualities (useful in self-healing), and culinary (useful for eating).

To go along with a theme I've drawn from two of my favorite wild food guides (by Samuel Thayer and John Kallas, respectively), I've chosen to claim, rather than disclaim, the information posted here.

You, dear reader, are responsible for the use to which you put this information, the state of mind with which you put it to use in, and to your own common sense and intuition when working with wild plants. Wild food unfortunately gets a bad rap in society today, due to misinformation, heresy, and outright misconstruing. This could be because people can be careless, because there is an innate fear of wild things in the majority of what passes for culture, or because very few people truly know what nature really is—for whatever reason wild food and poisonous plants get put into the same mental box. What I know for certain is that the information and prose that I write is from my own experience and observation—I write about plants I harvest, the parts I am familiar with eating and working with, and ways I have cooked or prepared them (sometimes many times and sometimes in only a few experiments). However, from time to time I will work off of other peoples findings and information. I will do my best to cite those sources as I go along.

Have fun, be smart, and by golly,  harvest the abundance all around you!

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